
What Do Mini Highland Cows Eat?

what do mini highland cows eat

Mini Highland cows, with their distinctive long horns and shaggy coats, are not just adorable pets; they’re also hardy and low-maintenance animals. Originally hailing from the Scottish Highlands, these miniature bovines have adapted well to various environments. However, understanding their dietary needs is crucial to keeping them healthy and happy.


Like their full-sized counterparts, mini Highland cows are primarily grazers. Grass forms the bulk of their diet, particularly during the growing season. They are well-adapted to grazing on a variety of grasses and can thrive on pasture alone in many cases. Their digestive systems are designed to break down fibrous plant material, making grass an ideal, natural food source.


When fresh grass isn’t available, particularly in winter, hay becomes a critical component of their diet. Hay is simply dried grass and provides the necessary roughage and nutrients during colder months when grazing is not possible. It’s essential to offer high-quality hay, free from mold and dust, to ensure your mini Highland cows receive the nutrients they need. On average, a mini Highland cow will consume about 2-3% of its body weight in hay per day.

Grains and Concentrates

While grass and hay should be the primary components of their diet, grains and other concentrated feeds can be given as supplements, particularly if your cows need extra energy. This is often necessary for cows that are pregnant, nursing, or underweight. Common grains include corn, barley, and oats. However, these should be given in moderation to prevent issues like obesity or digestive problems.

Minerals and Supplements

Mini Highland cows require a balanced intake of minerals, particularly salt and minerals like calcium and phosphorus, to stay healthy. Providing a mineral block or loose minerals specifically formulated for cattle can help ensure they receive the necessary nutrients. Depending on the quality of your pasture and hay, additional supplements might be required, so it’s a good idea to consult with a veterinarian or livestock nutritionist.

What Do Mini Highland Cows Eat?

Fresh Water

Access to clean, fresh water is essential for mini Highland cows, just as it is for any other livestock. An adult mini Highland cow can drink anywhere from 5 to 10 gallons of water per day, depending on the weather, their diet, and their overall health. Ensuring they have consistent access to fresh water will help prevent dehydration and other health issues.

Fruits and Vegetables

While not a significant part of their diet, mini Highland cows enjoy the occasional treat in the form of fruits and vegetables. Apples, carrots, and pumpkins are popular choices, but they should be given in moderation. These treats are high in sugar and should not replace their main diet of grass and hay.

Avoiding Toxic Plants

Like all cattle, mini Highland cows are susceptible to poisoning from certain plants. It’s important to ensure that their grazing areas are free from toxic plants like oleander, yew, and rhododendron. Regularly inspecting pastures and being aware of local toxic flora can prevent accidental ingestion.


Feeding mini Highland cows is straightforward, but it requires attention to detail to ensure they receive a balanced diet. Grass and hay are the primary components, with grains, minerals, and occasional treats rounding out their nutritional needs. By providing proper nutrition and care, you can enjoy the company of these charming animals for many years to come.


1. How much do mini Highland cows eat per day? Mini Highland cows typically consume about 2-3% of their body weight in food daily. For most of the year, this comes from grazing on grass, but in the winter or when pasture is limited, they rely on hay.

2. Can mini Highland cows eat alfalfa hay? Yes, mini Highland cows can eat alfalfa hay, but it should be given in moderation. Alfalfa is richer in protein and calcium than grass hay, so it’s best used as a supplement, particularly for pregnant or nursing cows, rather than as their primary feed.

3. Do mini Highland cows need grain? Grain is not a necessity for mini Highland cows if they have access to good-quality pasture or hay. However, grains can be given as a supplement, especially if the cows need extra energy, such as during pregnancy or lactation.

4. What are the best types of hay for mini Highland cows? Timothy, orchardgrass, and Bermuda grass hays are all excellent choices for mini Highland cows. These types of hay provide the necessary fiber and nutrients that the cows need, especially during the winter months.

5. Can I feed fruits and vegetables to my mini Highland cow? Yes, fruits and vegetables can be given as treats. Common favorites include apples, carrots, and pumpkins. However, these should be offered in moderation and should not replace their main diet of grass and hay.

6. Do mini Highland cows need mineral supplements? Yes, providing a mineral block or loose minerals specifically formulated for cattle is recommended. This helps ensure they receive essential nutrients like salt, calcium, and phosphorus, which may be lacking in their main diet.

7. How much water do mini Highland cows need? An adult mini Highland cow typically drinks between 5 to 10 gallons of water per day. Water needs can vary depending on factors like temperature, diet, and overall health, so it’s crucial to ensure they have constant access to fresh, clean water.

8. Are there any plants that are toxic to mini Highland cows? Yes, some plants can be toxic to mini Highland cows. These include oleander, yew, rhododendron, and some types of nightshade. It’s important to regularly inspect their grazing areas and remove any toxic plants to prevent accidental ingestion.

9. Can mini Highland cows eat silage? Mini Highland cows can eat silage, which is fermented green fodder. However, it should be fed carefully, ensuring it’s well-preserved and free from mold. Silage can be a good supplement during winter months but should not replace hay or fresh forage entirely.

10. How can I tell if my mini Highland cow is getting the right nutrition? A healthy mini Highland cow will have a shiny coat, clear eyes, and maintain a good body condition score (neither too thin nor too fat). Regular veterinary check-ups, monitoring their weight, and observing their overall behavior can help ensure they are receiving the proper nutrition.

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